How To Make Fondant Icing For Wedding Cakes

Red Rose Wedding Cake
Red Rose Wedding Cake from

Making wedding cakes is a labor of love. The process of baking, assembling, and decorating a cake for a couple’s special day is a huge undertaking, and requires skill and attention to detail. One of the most important steps in making a wedding cake is the application of fondant icing. Fondant is a type of sugarpaste that is malleable and can be rolled out, draped, and molded into shapes. When used to cover a cake, it creates an even, smooth finish that is perfect for intricate decorations. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to make fondant icing for wedding cakes and how to apply it for a professional-looking result.

What You’ll Need

Making fondant icing requires a few ingredients and tools. We recommend that you:

  • Gather 1.5 cups of marshmallows, 1.5 tablespoons of water, and 1/2 cup of powdered sugar.
  • Have butter, shortening, and a rolling pin ready.
  • Have a clean, non-porous surface to work on.
  • Have a bowl of water nearby.

You may also need additional ingredients and tools, such as food coloring, an edible pen, a knife, and a pastry brush. Depending on the design of the cake, you may need fondant cutters and molds. The best way to determine what you need is to look at a picture or sketch of the final product.

Making the Fondant

Making the fondant is a two-step process. The first step is to heat the marshmallows and water in a double boiler until the marshmallows are completely melted. Then, remove from the heat and add the powdered sugar. Stir until the mixture is well-combined, then turn it onto a non-porous surface. Knead the mixture until it is smooth and pliable. At this point, you can add food coloring if desired. Continue kneading until the color is fully incorporated.

Rolling and Applying the Fondant

Once the fondant is made, it’s time to roll it out. Grease the surface you’ll be working on with butter or shortening, then roll the fondant until it is about 1/8 of an inch thick. Be sure to use a generous amount of grease to prevent sticking. Once the fondant is rolled out, gently drape it over the cake. Start in the center and work your way out, smoothing the fondant over the surface of the cake. Trim away any excess fondant with a knife or fondant cutters.

Decorating the Fondant

Once the fondant is applied to the cake, you can start decorating. If you’re using a stencil, lightly trace it onto the fondant with an edible pen, then use a sharp knife to cut out the design. You can also use fondant cutters to create shapes, or use a mold to create embossed designs. Once the decorations are in place, use a pastry brush to apply a thin layer of water to the fondant to make it shine. Allow the cake to dry before adding any additional decorations.

Finishing Touches

Once the cake is decorated, you can add finishing touches. You can place fresh flowers on the cake, write a message with an edible pen, or add sugar pearls or other edible decorations. When you’re finished, your cake will be ready to serve at the wedding.


Making fondant icing for wedding cakes is a fun and rewarding process. The key to success is using the right ingredients and tools, taking your time, and having patience. With a little practice, you’ll be able to create beautiful and unique cakes that will be the highlight of any wedding.

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